Richard Roper of Long Melford, Suffolk, did not agree with the parking ticket he found on his windshield after a meeting. Instead of making a big hoopla and refusing to pay, however, he decided to peacefully protest by writing a check on toiler paper (apparently, a toilet paper check is legal tender). He also included a note stating that if the fine were waived, he would donate twice the amount to charity. Police refused both of his offerings, and countered with a court summons.
"This is not a case of not wishing or refusing to pay but a case of the authorities refusing to accept my payment," said Mr. Roper, defending himself. He also added, "My payment... has been written on stationery which aptly reflects my feelings towards the system which I am unfortunately forced to support through my taxes."
Mr. Roper won the case and even rose a chuckle out of the sympathetic judge. It's a rare day when the ICBR agrees with anything involving English judgement, but today we admit that Mr. Roper did a most admirable thing in sending the unconventional check. It is a brilliant and effective display of restraint. We're delighted with the judge's ruling. If ever these two fine men decided to immigrate to the States, the ICBR would welcome them with open arms.