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International Coalition for British Reparations: People of the World, it's Time to get Paid.

YouTube Comments- England: Evil Empire- ICBR Influences Livingstone Jackson

11.13.2008 - Youtube

either a real hitorian must write a book that correctly informs and analyses britains history or britishreperations must stop his campaign. Its like having a go at americans for being muslims on the basis that mr blobby wrote a boo about how all americans followed allah

gerhard, that has to be the most awesome explaination of this i have ever read, very good XD

It may be a good explaination, but even I can not understand what drives omeone to post videos like this on the web, its just making a joke of american integrety and interlectual capacity

LOL "Get the facts - Buy the book"

yeh buy a worthless book only good for a good laugh and fillt his scum bags pockets, the book doesnt feature any history its just bull.

....pot, kettle black.


THANK YOU. Finally, even you admit that.

Think of it as you nudging us and spilling our tea all over an expensive tapestry.

Agreed. Long live the alliance.

The f###### point of these videos is lost on all of us.

Clearly staged. No official sources given, just random quotes not even atributed to a newspaper, magazine, tv show, or radio broadcast. The picture of Ken is most likely a convenient google images find.

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