The proposal for pubs to be allowed to serve a two-thirds pint of beer to patrons has been set forth in England. Currently, a law that has been in place since 1698 regulates the serving sizes to pint increments. This proposal comes as the pub industry, facing a disastrous downturn in business, hopes to attract a broader clientele. Most women find pints to be too large, so the smaller serving is thought to be an attractive option for them. Somehow, we're not at all surprised that this bizarre regulation been in place for so long in England.
When narcissistic, out-of-touch, and possibly inbred rulers make all of your country's decisions, it's no surprise that an asinine law like this exists. We can understand quality control, which England could use more of, but portion control? That's just obsessive, and it's yet another example of classic British imposition of will.