To the author of 'The Facts',
After reading through 'The Facts' posted on your website I have come to the conclusion that you are either a master prankster equipped with a wonderfully dark sense of humour or an egotistical moron fanning the flames of stupidity. I write this with little optimism as I believe you are most probably the latter, the sort of person that does not listen to the reason of intelligent people in fear that you may be forced to realise your own shortcomings. Your propagandist language and gaping lack of logic when making these sweeping statements will appeal only to the lowest common denominator and those who are so filled with hate to begin with all they need is a badly thought through organisation to follow blindly. You are preying on these people, who are apparently becoming more abundant nowadays, to make a name for yourself and punish those that have not wronged you or those you pretend to represent. I will end this letter now in the hope you rethink this bitter and pointless escapade (or failing that, at least improve your method of reasoning).
Graham Edwards